GameMaster Events

Russian Roulette Event

This is custom event for DivineMu Server.

* Once the GM/ Admins annouce that the event is starting you need
* to write "/want" in order to join the event.
* You will have 5 minutes to enter the event.
* You will be moved to a specific location.

* When the event starts, GM/Admin will start using "/trade" at random order to all players.
* When this happends you will see a global message that will either show "Saved" or "Eliminated".
* The elimination is at random, and does not depend on the GM/ Admin.

* Event time: 30 minutes
* Max players: 20 players
* Survival chance: 40%

* Once all players are eliminated, the event will end.

* Reward: 100 Gold

1. No accusing the GM/Admin, the elimination is at total random and automatic.
2. Bring your lucky charm with you and have fun.

Catch Catch Event

This is custom event for DivineMu Server.

* Once the GM/ Admins annouce that the event is starting you need to write "/want" in order to join the event.
* You will have 5 minutes to enter the event.
* You will be moved to a specific location.

* Event time: 30 minutes

* When the event starts, GM/Admin will start hunting the players.
* Your job is to run and survive as long as you can.
* Be the last man in the event to win.

* Reward: 100 Gold

1. Killing players is forbidden, apart from the GM/Admin
2. You can use your own buffs and teleports.
3. All pets are allowed.
4. "Run Forest, Run!"

Hide and Seek Event

* This is a normal game of hide and seek.
* The GM/ Admin will annouce the event.
* Once it starts, you will have 10 minutes to find them.
* To win the event you have to find the GM/ Admin and "/trade" them.

* Reward: 100 Gold

1. No killings during the event.
2. Play fair.

Speed Event

This is custom event for DivineMu Server.

* When the event is annouced, you will see a global message.
* Go to the coordinates as fast as you can.
* At the right spot you will see "Santa".
* Talk to him to win the event.

* Reward: 100 Gold

1. No killings during the event.
2. Play fair.

Quiz Event

* This is an semi-automatic event, lead by GM/Admin.
* The GM/Admin will start the event.
* When you see the question, use "/r" to respond.
* If your answer is corrent - you win.

Reward: 30 Gold