Illusion Temple Event

To gain access to the event you must create an invitation - Scroll of Blood.

Creating the invitation:
  • Old Scroll (level 1 to 6)
  • Illusion Sorcerer's Covenant (level 1 to 6)
  • Jewel of Chaos
* Both items must be the same level

When the time to enter the event comes, give your invitation to NPC Mirage in Elbeland at 54, 242.
A minimum of 2 players is required to start the event.

* Starting time: 01:45, 5:45, 9:45, 13:45, 17:45, 21:45

* Hunt Point: 1

When you first enter you will be moved to a waiting area.
After the event starts you will be moved to the competition map.

The players will be divided into 2 teams - Red team and Blue team.
Those 2 teams will compete agains each other to win the event.
Each team will have a base, that's your starting point.
In the base you will see a pedestal.

There will be a stone statue at the bottom or the top of the map.
You must go to this statue and collect the Event Ball.
After you do that, you must return to your base and place the ball on the pedestal.
In order to win the event you will need 7 points.

Temple Level Character Level
1 220–270
2 271–320
3 321–350
4 351–380
5 381–400
6 (Master Level) 400

*Note: If you are master level character, you can only enter Level 6.

Event Details:
  • This event is PVP, which means you can kill each other and gain 5 points,
    which can be spent to temporarily improve your character during the event.
  • Killing monster will also give you kill points.
  • The ball carrier will move in slow motion.
  • Once a ball carrier is killed or leaves the event, the ball will fall to the ground and can be picked up by any player

Event Rewards:
  • After one team gains 7 point they will win the event.
  • Each player of the winning team will win: Box of Kundun/Bundle Jewel of Bless + 1 Hunt Point
  • You have 5 % chance to recieve the special reward- Golden Fenrir.

*Note: Invitation items for master levels will drop from 80+ level monsters.