Player Commands
In-game server commands
* /move - move to map
* /post - write on post
* /addene <х> - adds energy points
* /addagi <х> - adds agility points
* /addvit <х> - adds stamina points
* /addstr <х> - adds strenght points
* /addcmd <х> - adds command points
* /pkclear - clear pk status, 15 milion zen
* /bau
* /war
* /re on/off/auto - request on/off/auto
* /king - Seize throne in King of Mu event
* /clearinv - clears your inventory (expaned included), does not remove items on you, VIP lvl
* /marry to
* /enterarena - enter arena Class vs Class, VIP lvl
* /pack
* /unpack
* /r
* /join - move to GM event, when annonced
* /want - join GM events - Catch Event and Roullete Event
* /top rr
* /attack - auto attacking
* /offattack - auto offline attacking
* /setparty
* /joinparty
* /re auto - accept request automatically
* /info
* /remaster