Imperial Guardian Event

Fortress of Imperial Guardian is one of the most difficult events in the Mu Continent.

* Entrance: NPC Jerint the Assistant (Devias: 229,221)
* Number of Participants = A party of Min 2 – Max 5 players оr a solo player.
* Every player in your team/party must obtain the ticket - Gaion's Order.
* To create this invitation you need to stack up 5 Suspicious Scrap of Paper.
* If you go as party, the party cannot have players of the same race.

This Event runs for a week – Starts from Monday and ends in Sunday.

* To be able to enter the event on Sunday, final boss, you need an item called Complete Secromicon.
* You will get this item if you participate in the event from Monday to Saturday.
* Each day the boss monsters will drop you parts of the Complete Secromicon.

There are 3 stages for each zone. Sunday event has 4 stages.

Starting Point
Waiting Time : 1 minute

Battle Zone
Attack Time: Kill all monster within the given time.

Warp Zone
Waiting Time : 1 minute

How to win the event?

Successfully pass all zones in the daily location.

Rewards for passing the daily location:
Chaos Card
a piece of the Complete Secromicon.

Rewards for passing the Sunday Event:
2 weapons of the strongest for the Server Stage.

If one of the following conditions happens you will fail the event:

Fail to kill monsters within the time limit.
Late or didn’t warp to a different/next zone during the waiting period.

Entry limit is 3 times a day per hero.